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Home arrow Notizie arrow "Don't take a rain check on this!"
"Don't take a rain check on this!"
Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
martedì 07 novembre 2017

Satellites set out in space to keep weather stable and avert ruinous meteorological events in a science-fictional super-industrialized super-technological sprawling world suddenly experience glitches that put it on the brink of catastrophe. Here's "Geostorm", a story that gives us pause to ponder on what we are doing to Mother Earth and what the future might hold if we recklessly keep along the path of abusing and neglecting her. This is not all, as the plot unravels intricacies of government conspiracy that, as much as it looks phantom and unlikely, may intrigue the viewer; but what sticks in our mind at the end of the day is the apocalyptic devastation of towns and ravage of people echoing the scene footage of floods and heatwaves and hurricanes, running on a daily basis in the news on the telly. Let's take the movie theater by storm, then, and be there by the score this coming Wednesday! Show starts at 19:55, and ticket's only 4 euros for Capriotti movie-goers.

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