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Home arrow Notizie arrow Making America small again
Making America small again
Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
lunedì 29 gennaio 2018
 Ever fancied stepping in Gulliver's shoes?, and wondered what it's like to live with the giants? This is what the American venturesome characters in Downsizing live through when they accept to join a program aimed to fight an overpopulation-induced crisis by  having volunteers undergo the irreversible  process of shrinking down to smurf size. Going small lends a helping hand to an exhausted environment, as midgets consume less,  take up less room, produce less carbon footprint; but it also amps up their purchasing power: upkeep costs next to nil to  five inches tall ones, and there's so much to buy in Leisureland! This is the gamble that Paul Safranek takes when he decides to turn around the anti heroic, insignificant, Lilliputian life of a loser and go short in the hope to "have it large".

Perspectives are magnified up to the size of Utopian and Dystopian proportions in the unfolding of current time topics ranging from technological advancement and social improvement to global warming, hyper-consumption and social inequality (inclusive of prefiguring scenes of a Mexican community shut off by a wall); but the human dimension of universal themes like the personal quest for  the  meaning of existence and redemption is not neglected either.
This movie suits all tastes: whether you have a hankering for fantasy, drama, love, social comedy or sci-fi, then it's sized up for you! So join us on Wednesday - it starts at 07:40 p.m. and ticket 's only four euros for Capriotti school.
< Prec.   Pros. >
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