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sabato 20 aprile 2024





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Une heure d'amusement: Le tricorne enchanté
Scritto da Elisa Cistola e Clementoni Sarita   
lunedì 15 aprile 2019

 Mercredi matin, nous avons assisté à la représentation théâtrale de la pièce “Le tricorne enchanté”de Théophile Gautier.

La pièce raconte l’histoire de Géronte, un vieillard sot et avare qui veut épouser Inès, sa jeune pupille.Mais Inès aime Valère, le neveu de Géronte. Lui, contrairement à son oncle, est jeune, beau mais fauché. Alors Frontin et Marinette vont mettre en place un stratagème, afin d'aider les deux amoureux contre les intentions du vieux Géronde, d’épouser la jeune Inès et de déshériter Valère. Mais Champagne,toujours soûl et au service de Géronte, révèlera l'astuce.

La pièce a été très amusante et elle a attiré notre attention grâce aux thèmes abordés comme celui de la tromperie utilisée comme expédient pour ramener les événements à la vraie réalité.

Leggi tutto...
A Tale of War and Love
Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
lunedì 08 aprile 2019

Setting is 1946 English-occupied Hamburg, bomb devastated  after the Allied have rooted the Nazi regime out of Germany.  Rachel Morgan gets there to rejoin her husband, British Colonel stationed there with the task of  getting the city back on its feet. To her astonishment, she finds out that Lewis has arranged to share the assigned palatial residence with its previous owners, a widowed German architect and his troubled daughter. The picture looks unlikely, but the story will take unpredictable turns. England and Germany, winners and losers; anger and suspicion of the stranger, but also tolerance, forgiveness and reconciliation are lined up  for you in The Aftermath, on at 19:45 this coming Wednesday.
Do join us! Price is 4 euros for Capriotti school
Istruzioni pagellina 2018-2019 docenti e coordinatori
Scritto da Administrator   
mercoledì 03 aprile 2019

Istruzioni pagellina 2018-2019
secondo quadrimestre
Docenti e Coordinatori

Return history to the people
Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
lunedì 01 aprile 2019


Ironically named after Waterloo, the much less glorious Peterloo was a massacre  ordered by the English government on a crowd of peaceful demonstrators gathered in St Peter’s Fields, Manchester, to protest against heavy import duties, famine and dehumanizing industrialization, and to call for the extension of the right to vote. The marchers’ hope was dashed, but on that October day, 1819, those people made history: the working class movement that rose out of the blood shed kept on fighting the greed and  cynicism of the  privileged and played major role in the achievement of today’s British democratic system.
Let’s retrace those steps and savour those moments this coming Wednesday! Movie’s on at 19:45, price is 4 euros for Capriotti school

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