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sabato 28 dicembre 2024


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Homestay by Experiment
Scritto da John Mario Sergiacomi - 3BL   
mercoledì 20 novembre 2019

Students from far and beyond, welcome to our school!

It is my pleasure to introduce you all to “IIS A. Capriotti”, a place where cultural exchanges are highly requested and where foreign students who want a taste of Italian culture may find and experience unforgettable moments. Ok, probably this was the most dramatic intro ever, but it’s kind of true so feel free to give us a call if you ever want to visit our school: our doors are always open. We’ve always had a good partnership with schools in neighbouring countries who wanted to enrich the overall foreign language speech level of their students and so do we.

There’s something more: Homestay, which is organised by Experiment, also accepts teachers and professionals from all over the world who want to see and experience the different lifestyles that we practise everyday in our households and observe how Italian schools work. (Spoiler Alert: we go to school, we study and we go home.) We also try our best to enlighten our guests that come from different or similar backgrounds to ours by interacting with them, hoping that they’ll get comfortable enough to smile and laugh.

We have actually met and talked a bit with a Japanese chemist and writer who’s currently staying in Italy as a guest at one of our teachers’ house and we’ve discussed about the family dynamics that are in place in both of our countries. I must say that it was a delightful experience, and I hope to see more people and students alike who want to interact with us in the future so please come to our school if you’d like to.

We are waiting for you!

Thanks for reading!

< Prec.   Pros. >
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