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lunedì 13 maggio 2024





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Albo on-line

Coming out or not coming out: that is the question.
Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
lunedì 04 giugno 2018
 And here we go, ending this year’s Movie Experience fun project on a high note with “Love, Simon”, thought for the teens but not just. Simon’s a gay youth  who’s fallen for Blue,  whom he’s met online but whose identity he can’t make out. He writes e-mails to Blue, but one of them   happens to be read by schoolmate  bully-boy  Martin, who threatens outing  if not helped to fix a date with charming  Abby. Will Simon give in to Martin’s blackmail or will he overcome fear of rejection and embrace the freedom to be himself? The themes of cyberbullying,  discrimination, love and  friendship are featured in this  fresh and lively coming-of-age comedy,  which prompts us to  engage  dialogue and get to know one another as a way to  bridge the gap of understanding to those we rate as “minorities”.
Do join us this final Wednesday! Five euro’s the ticket, movie starts at 08:00 p.m.
< Prec.   Pros. >
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