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Home arrow Notizie arrow A giant leap
A giant leap
Scritto da Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
mercoledì 07 novembre 2018

First Man
A big howdy and welcome to you,  movie goers! You’ll be delighted to know that our next scheduled movie is First Man, story  of a nation undertaking the  legendary Apollo 11 spaceflight and first landing on the moon.

The film explores the hardships, costs  and risks  involved in that lunatic mission and unsparingly reports the criticism made at the time against it -  say, for instance, the charge of taking money away from  poor relief and reform programs, or of putting men to death  for the sake of catching up  with the  Soviets in the run for  space military control; but it also makes it clear that  no obstacle will ever lessen the human soul’ s inescapable relentless yearning for knowledge or deter them from reaching out for the skies.

Do join us this coming Wednesday! Show starts at 7:40 p.m., ticket’s only 4 euros for Capriotti school.

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