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Home arrow Capriotti Web Magazine arrow Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Scritto da Ilary Rigatuso e Davide Lanciotti, classe 2A AFM   
mercoledì 13 marzo 2019

 On Wednesday 13th February our class, together with some other classes, went to the “Palariviera” to see the Musical “Romeo and Juliet “ by Palketto Stage. The story was following the plot of William Shakespeare’s masterpiece, enriched by modern music and dancing. Set in Verona, where two young people fell in love and get secretly married despite their families’ hostilities, the story develops with a series of tragic events: Romeo is banished to Mantua for having killed Juliet’s cousin, in revenge of the murder of his friend Mercutio. Meanwhile Juliet, in order not to marry Count Paris as her father wants, decides to drink a potion which will give her the appearance of being dead for 42 hours. With the help of Friar Laurence she plans to inform her husband in order to join him after her funeral. Unfortunately Friar Laurence’s message doesn’t rich Romeo in time, so he decides to kill himself at the sight of Juliet in her tomb. When she awakes, she finds her beloved dead and kills herself too. At the end, this tragic fate brings the Montagues and the Capulets to make up. And we were astonished! Watching Shakespeare played at the theatre is completed different from reading his words in books! The actors and actresses acted, sang and danced really well! Moreover some of the well-known songs were sung by us too! After the show the actors spent some time with the audience, answering our questions too. It was a great fun to go and we hope to repeat this experience soon. We also want to thank our teacher, Emanuela Mattucci, and the headmaster, Elisa Vita, for the chance they gave us to take part to that event.


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