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Home arrow Notizie arrow Return history to the people
Return history to the people
Scritto da Mrs De Fanis, Mrs Marchei, Mrs Vero   
lunedì 01 aprile 2019


Ironically named after Waterloo, the much less glorious Peterloo was a massacre  ordered by the English government on a crowd of peaceful demonstrators gathered in St Peter’s Fields, Manchester, to protest against heavy import duties, famine and dehumanizing industrialization, and to call for the extension of the right to vote. The marchers’ hope was dashed, but on that October day, 1819, those people made history: the working class movement that rose out of the blood shed kept on fighting the greed and  cynicism of the  privileged and played major role in the achievement of today’s British democratic system.
Let’s retrace those steps and savour those moments this coming Wednesday! Movie’s on at 19:45, price is 4 euros for Capriotti school

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