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lunedì 16 dicembre 2019


Sotto l’azzurro fitto
del cielo qualche uccello di mare se ne va;
né sosta mai: perché tutte le immagini portano scritto:«più in là»
(Eugenio Montale)

Monte San Martino Trust is a non- profit making association operating in the field of education, which was introduced to us by our History teacher, Mrs Marchei, and English teacher Mrs De Fanis. My friend and i had the chance of winning a totally free bursary paid for by the association and providing us with a one-month stay in the UK.

Excitement , anxiety, fear and joy dominated my state of mind. To leave or not to leave?This was the question! At last, i was there, at the airport, where Mr. Pownall, one of the MSM members, was waiting to bring me to my host-family in Oxford.

On the way to Oxford, i had a great conversation with Mr. Pownall, he tried to make me feel home and as comforbable as possible. Finally, i was in Oxford, where i met my host-mum, and she was so sweet! I was really thankful for everything she did for me. But, as i didn't know anyone there, i felt alone a bit. That condition didn't last long, though, because in the following two days i had lessons at my CES ( Centre of English Studies) summer school where i met a lot of people that made me feel cool and meet new friends, with whom time, literally, flew.

The people that i met there, my host-family included, made my experience unforgettable, even though It would have been greater if the school level had been higher, because more than improve my speaking, i dreamt to improve my writing.

So, i really hope that school will enhance the levels of studying for all students that go there and will make Its organization better. I'm so thankful to my teachers, to MSM, to my headmistress and to every single being that i met and made my experience unique.

Finally, i can recommend that all teenagers and young people take the "risk", travel and discover. Never let panic and doubt get hold of you.

< Prec.   Pros. >
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